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Doing It!: Let's Talk About Sex

Doing It!: Let's Talk About Sex

Publisher Hachette Children's Books
Year 05/07/2017
Pages 320
Version paperback
Language English
ISBN 9781526360038
Categories Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's/YA)
$16.53 (with VAT)
73.50 PLN / €15.76 / £13.68
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Book description

Book of the Year at the Summer in the City Awards 2017

Sexting. Virginity. Consent. The Big O ... Let's face it, doing it can be tricksy. I don't know anyone (including myself) who has sex all figured out. So I've written a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions and revelations. And because none of us have all the answers, I've invited some friends and fellow YouTubers to talk about their sexuality, too. My book is for everyone, no matter what gender you identify as or who you fancy.

We talk about doing it safely. Doing it joyfully. Doing it when you're ready. Not doing it. Basically, doing it the way you want, when you want. So. Let's do this ...


Doing It candidly and openly explores topics like masturbation, slut-shaming, pornography and consent, as well as how to maintain healthy relationships in a digital age.

Doing It!: Let's Talk About Sex

Table of contents

  • 1: Healthy relationships
  • 2: Puberty
  • 3: Virginity
  • 4: Four generations of sex ed
  • 5: LGBTQ+
  • 6: Consent
  • 7: Masturbation
  • 8: Porn
  • 9: Bodies and body image
  • 10: Sexual pleasure
  • 11: Contraception
  • 12: STIs
  • 13: Sexting
  • 14: Sex shaming

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