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About INSPEC INSPEC is the leading English-language bibliographic information service providing access to the world's scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, and information technology. The world's most comprehensive index to literature in physics, electrical and electronic engineering, computer science and information technology, with significant coverage in areas such as materials science, oceanography, nuclear engineering, geophysics, biomedical engineering and biophysics. Primary coverage is of journal articles and papers presented at conferences, although significant books, technical reports, and dissertations are also included in the database's 11 million records. Sources include more than 4,200 journals and more than 2,000 conference proceedings, books, and reports corresponding to the following publications: Physics Abstracts, Electrical & Electronics Abstracts, and Computer & Control Abstracts, as well as to the online INSPEC database. | |
Basic features
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Polish consortium For many years until 2016 Polish libraries subscribe to INSPEC database through the Polish Consortium. Database was accessed by the consortium members from the ICM server, using Ovid Webspirs. From 2016 each library wishing to order INSPEC needs to contact ABE-IPS for a custom-made quote, and access is provided only through Ovid platform. | |
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