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Ordinary Freedom

Ordinary Freedom

Wydawnictwo New Harbinger Publications
Data wydania
Wydanie Pierwsze
Forma publikacji inne
Język angielski
ISBN 9781626257573
Kategorie Umysł, ciało i duch
licencja wieczysta
Produkt dostępny on-line
Typ przesyłki: wysyłka kodu na adres e-mail
zamówienie z obowiązkiem zapłaty
Do schowka

Opis książki

This book is about Freedom. It?s not about a special state or condition called ?Freedom,? some idea or concept to be believed in; rather, it is about the recognition and realization of our essential nature. When we arrive in this moment and awaken to the truth of our existence, we discover that Freedom is completely ordinary?ordinary, yet awesome. The recognition and realization of our essential nature is for many a gradual transition. The challenge of our generation is to find out how to support this transformation in the midst of our everyday lives. Adyashanti writes, ?This wonderful collection of Jon?s teachings really captures his ability to point us back to our own innate freedom. What makes Jon?s teachings so powerful and relevant, though, is that no part of the human experience is denied. Indeed, there is an open encouragement for all of our human experience to be included and embraced as a means of discovering the infinite ground of being, within which all of our experience unfolds. This in itself is a great gift to any spiritual seeker looking to find out what freedom is really all about.? Reading Ordinary Freedom is like having a wise and loving but uncompromising friend on the path to discovering our true nature.

Ordinary Freedom

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