English Polski
On-line access

How to use?

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How to use?



The easiest and fastest way to access on-line journals is to click on "On-line access" at the top of the page.


It is recommended mainly for library users, as it does not require user to log in - user is recognized by our system via IP address. Please remember that IP validation will only work when all public IP addresses of the computers in the library are registered in our system. Please note that you are recongized by our system when the name of your institution is visible at the top of the page.

The list of registered IP addresses is at the bottom of your profile page (available after logging in with administrator’s username and password).

[On-line access] option redirects user to the list of current online subscriptions of the library. To read full text of articles please click on “full text” on the left hand side of chosen journal. Clicking on journal’s title gives detailed journal description.
“R” option on the right hand side of the title should be used when you want to report a problem with accessing full text. It is available to both administrator of library’s account and a regular user.



To get full functionality of abe.pl website, you have to log in as library’s administrator.
Library administrator, after logging in, has access to library list of transactions, including subscription pricing, subscription orders, subscription claims, etc.

Subscription claims
Using this option you can claim journals from your subscription. To do that, please select archive of subscribed publications from the Transactions.
Next please choose the journal and from the list at the bottom of the page please select issues you would like to claim and click [Claim selected issues (step 1 of 2)].
By choosing „k” from the last column you can add comments to each selected issue.
If you want to claim more titles, please choose Claim more issues.
After choosing all issues you wanted to claim, please fill in your contact details and then select send (step 2 of 2).

Usage statistics
This option gives you access to usage statistics, including:
-    Login count (using password, via IP address)
-    Logout count
-    Count of all “full text” clicks
-    Count of “full text” clicks for each journal
Circle graph presents 15 most read journals.
Using filter at the top of the page you can choose different time period.
Clicking on number of full text reads gives you a list of IP address and exact time for each full text access.

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