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The Power of Money: How Governments and Banks Create Money and Help Us All Prosper

The Power of Money: How Governments and Banks Create Money and Help Us All Prosper

Publisher Benbella Books
Year 09/05/2023
Pages 288
Version hardback
Readership level General/trade
Language English
ISBN 9781637743157
Categories Monetary economics
$32.83 (with VAT)
145.95 PLN / €31.29 / £27.16
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Book description

Money permeates our everyday lives - it literally makes the economic world go round - and yet confusion and controversy about money abound. In The Power of Money, economist Paul Sheard distills what money is, how it comes into existence, and how it interacts with the real economy.

The Power of Money: How Governments and Banks Create Money and Help Us All Prosper

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