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Quality Management Practices of Electronics Industry In Northern India

Quality Management Practices of Electronics Industry In Northern India

Publisher LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Pages 244
Version paperback
Language English
ISBN 9783330008489
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Book description

This book indicates that leadership plays a vital role in the implementation of QM practices in the organizations.TQM philosophy has been adopted in manufacturing though a large proportion of the industries were maintaining quality certifications. Indian industries were taking advantage of ISO 9000, TQM, and Six sigma to improve their system. Quality management tools were practiced in both small & medium and large scale industries but the deployment of the tools are more in large scale industry than small & medium scale industry. Between Quality tools and behavioral tools, in both segments behavioral tools were implemented more than quality tools. Among quality tools, TPM, SQC, Flow charts, Check list, Quality circle, and Suggestion schemes were most commonly implemented tools. In response to the pressure of open market economy, most of the Electronics industries have adopted QM practices. Industries should consider QM as an innovative tool for improving operational and organizational performance in today's dynamic manufacturing environment.

Quality Management Practices of Electronics Industry In Northern India

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