Humanities Abstracts CD-ROMPublisher: Wilson
Hagiographica - Rivista di Agiografia e BiografiaPublisher: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo
Encyclopedia of World Biography. SupplementPublisher: Gale Group
ebrary e-book - Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science: Comparative Issues and ExamplesPublisher: Ebrary
ebrary collection: Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science : Comparative Issues and ExamplesPublisher: Ebrary
Books in Print - stand alone without reviewsPublisher: Bowker
Synergist, ThePublisher: American Industrial Hygiene Association
Bios: Zeitschrift fuer Biographieforschung und Oral HistoryPublisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich
Internationales Biographisches ArchivPublisher: Munzinger Archiv GmbH
Encyklopedia of World BiographyPublisher: Gale Group