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I. Basic Social Science & Humanities eCollections
Click on the collection to see the title list. AGRICULTUREnetBASE (1,104 titles) This collection is one of the only e-collections specialized to meet the needs of agronomists and crop scientists. It includes installments from the acclaimed series Genetics Resources, Chromosomes Engineering, and Crop Improvement, along with detailed studies on individual crops, horticultural methods, soil fertility, crop security, agroforestry, and animal science. BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE (2,124 titles) Drawn from the various subject areas that combine to make biomedical science a distinct discipline, this eBook collection includes resources in bioinformatics, epidemiology, neuroscience, and more. It provides professionals and researchers with the up-to-the-minute information they need to make themselves familiar with data mining and advance their work and the state of the science. BIOSCIENCEnetBASE (3,931 titles) Filled with current and groundbreaking research as well as resources that form the foundation of the field, BIOSCIENCEnetBASE offers instant access to the latest handbooks and monographs from leading microbiologists, geneticists, biomedical engineers, and healthcare professionals. BUSINESSnetBASE/MANAGEMENTnetBASE (2,465 titles) A complete library of accounting principles, ethics, and organization, this collection offers the best business references in one convenient location. It provides access to the latest information, including e-business technology and globalization, quality and Six Sigma, productivity improvement, library and information science, and Lean methods and implementation. CHEMICALENGINEERINGnetBASE (734 titles) Whether you are converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful forms or spearheading the hunt for valuable new materials or techniques, ChemicalENGINEERINGnetBASE provides the references and resources to fuel this work. It offers insight from renowned experts on how to ensure processes are conducted safely, sustainably, and economically. CHEMISTRYnetBASE (2,497 titles) When ancient civilizations decided to fill glazed pots with fermented liquid, render fat into soap, make alloys like bronze, and extract chemicals from plants for medicines and cosmetics, the science of chemistry was born. Filled with authoritative handbooks and recent research, this collection advances the exploration of the science behind the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as the changes matter undergoes during chemical reactions. CHEMLIBnetBASE (2,929 titles) CHEMLIBnetBASE includes access to new research, historical works, and primers from leading authorities in the field. Coverage ranges from nanoscience and natural product chemistry to separation methods, surfactant science, and green and sustainable chemistry. COMPUTERSCIENCEnetBASE (1,683 titles) A hybrid of the bestselling engineering handbooks and critically acclaimed Chapman & Hall references, this collection provides access to the latest eBooks on MATLAB®, C++, and Java. It brings together preeminent authors from product development and design architecture to offer a diverse collection of resources. CivilEngineeringnetBASE (2,055 titles) Filled with eBooks on practical applications, this compilation houses a wide range of valuableworks—including the bestselling Civil Engineering Handbook—that serve the research needs of civil, structural, and geotechnical engineers as well as infrastructure managers and architects. ENERGYANDCLEANTECHnetBASE (620 titles) ENERGYandCLEANTECHnetBASE presents a wealth of ecological and cost-efficient technologies, including best business practices. It focuses on renewable energy, clean and novel technologies, green advancements, bio energy, and eco-friendly agriculture practices designed to ensure the sustainability of our planet. ENGnetBASE (6,738 titles) Provides access to the latest handbooks in civil, mechanical, electrical, industrial, and mining engineering, this collection is sure to power your patrons’ research to the next level. ENVIRONMENTALENGINEERINGnetBASE (559 titles) Reduce, reuse, recycle—it"s all covered in EnvironmentalENGINEERINGnetBASE. This collection contains current information on how to deal with age-old problems such as solid waste, air pollution, and remediation as well as discussions of the emerging concepts such as life-cycle analysis and new forms of efficient and renewable energy, providing a continually updated resource for protecting, preserving, and enhancing the environment. ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCEnetBASE (1,747 titles) A resource as vast and interdisciplinary as the field it serves, EnvironmentalSCIENCEnetBASE covers topics that range from environmental toxicology, ecological economics, turfgrass science, and risk assessment to resource management and sustainability. With an unrivaled degree of expertise, the authoritative references in this collection discuss green and sustainable systems, alternative energy, pollution control and mitigation, and the effects of globalclimate change. ENVIROnetBASE (2,157 titles) Putting resources from both sides of the equation into one collection, ENVIROnetBASE supplies not only how-tos for remediating environmental issues but also the science behind them. With contributions from leading experts in these fields, the coverage ranges from environmental protection and remediation to green and sustainable practices, biofuels, and renewable energy. ERGONOMICSnetBASE (643 titles) This unrivaled resource provides information involving all aspects of human productivity and comfort. Offering ready access to more than 115,000 pages of material, ERGONOMICSnetBASE includes the International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors and the three-volume Occupational Ergonomics Reference Library. ElectricalEngineeringnetBASE (2,662 titles) Perhaps the most diverse of all the engineering disciplines, the field of electrical engineering includes a range of subtopics including power, electronics, control systems, signal processing, and telecommunications. The comprehensive handbooks, focused references, and cutting-edge resources in this eBook collection provide the fundamental principles and advanced techniques required to design everything from the most complex power systems to the smallest electronics. FOODnetBASE (940 titles) FOODnetBASE supplies access to expert guidance on food safety, quality, taste, processing, brewing, regulations, and microbiology. It offers information on the latest functional foods, antioxidants, and foodborne pathogens, as well as packaging technologies. FORENSICnetBASE/LawENFORCEMENTnetBASE (893 titles) Featuring works by esteemed criminologists and forensic practitioners, this unparalleled e-library boasts an ever-growing number of essential references on crisis management and negotiation methods, arson and homicide investigation, expert witnessing, forensic pathology and toxicology, and cyber crime. This invaluable product is well suited to the needs of the smallest of sheriff’s departments and the largest of governmental law enforcement agencies, such as the DEA, FBI, and Interpol. GENERALENGINEERINGnetBASE (612 titles) Whether the projects are as big as the Burg Khalifa or as small as a robot that travels insidethe human body, engineers often work in teams. From management to design and systems engineering, GeneralENGINEERINGnetBASE provides a toolkit for developing the skills needed to tackle any project, large or small. GEOnetBASE (160 titles) From underground excavation and blasting to foundation engineering and earthquakes, this collection covers emerging developments in the geosciences. HEALTHCAREnetBASE (1,076 titles) With coverage that ranges from prevention to treatment, HEALTHCAREnetBASE discusses issues such as life care planning, rehabilitation, fitness, alternative and complementary medicine, and medico-legal issues, applying a rigorous scientific approach to each. HOMELANDSECURITYnetBASE (313 titles) From emergency response and disaster planning to counterterrorism and beyond, this eBook collection includes resources for emergency preparedness and response to terrorist attacks and natural disasters, transportation security, biodefense, detection of radioactive and radiological materials, and research on next-generation security technologies. It covers homegrown and international terrorism, criminal infrastructure, sleeper cells, and international law. INDUSTRIALENGINEERINGnetBASE (899 titles) An industrial engineer must quickly become an expert not only in the manufacturing and production processes of an industry, but also in the specific culture, problems, and challenges that a company faces. With coverage of management science, financial engineering, SCM, process engineering, operations research, systems engineering, Lean manufacturing, and ergonomics, IndustrialENGINEERINGnetBASE provides professionals with the latest tools to design factories and production lines as well as eliminate wastes of time, money, materials, energy, and other resources. INFORMATIONSCIENCEnetBASE (4,534 titles) Established experts meet the challenges of the Information Age with a wealth of material exploring system analysis, cyber crime and security, and cryptography. The collection includes bestselling handbooks from CRCPress and critically acclaimed Chapman & Hall references, providing access to the latest eBooks on MATLAB, C++, and Java. ITECHnetBASE (1,461 titles) This eBook collection contains authoritative resources for the study, design, development, implementation, support, and management of computer-based information systems. It covers how to securely convert, store, protect, process, transmit, input, output, and retrieve information. This netBASE helps IT professionals generate superiorIS performance at a greater value, ultimately giving their organizations a competitive advantage. LIFESCIENCEnetBASE (2,445 titles) The life sciences comprise all fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms.Reflecting biology and medicine as the centerpiece, but also covering technological advances in molecular biology and biotechnology, LifeSCIENCEnetBASE offers access to resources in botany and plant science, entomology, genetics, microbiology, and zoology as well as archeology, anthropology, and natural history. MATERIALSnetBASE (1,609 titles) From ceramics and textiles to bioscience, smart materials, and pharmacology, this dynamic library of handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and treatises explains the theory, data, and processes shaping diverse materials applications. MATHnetBASE (1,851 titles) Whether you’re working in pure or discrete mathematics, biology, agriculture, finance, or engineering, this collection supplies an online library of top-tier Chapman & Hall/CRC references, handbooks, pocketbooks, and primers. It provides immediate access to theories, equations, algorithms, or analytical methods anytime they’re needed. MEDICINEnetBASE (4,242 titles) An in-depth eBook collection, MEDICINEnetBASE puts authoritative and practical references on topics ranging from cardiology and clinical neuroscience to dermatology and gastroenterology in the armamentarium of the clinicians who need them on a daily basis. The resources cover the science behind the latest developments and their practical application as well as future trends in treatment and diagnostics. MININGENGINEERINGnetBASE (120 titles) Since the beginning of civilization, people have used stone, ceramics, and, later, metals found on or close to the Earth’s surface. MiningENGINEERINGnetBASE discusses not only the production and processing of mineral commodities, but also the mitigation of damage to the environment and the safety of mining personnel. MechanicalEngineeringnetBASE (1,469 titles) From our award-winning handbooks to state-of-the-art references, this collection covers the entire field from fundamental theory to applications such as MEMS, pressure vessels, and pipelines. Key theories, data, models, equations, and guidelines are at your patrons’ fingertips 24/7. NANOnetBASE (825 titles) Give your patrons access to thousands of pages of theory, data, and experimental results on nanoscale modeling, analytical, characterization, and fabrication techniques. Presenting the state of the art in nanoscience, this collection includes Klans Sattler’s seven-volume Handbook of Nanophysics. NUTRITIONnetBASE (442 titles) Hundreds of case studies, clinical trials, and biochemical analyses expose the hottest research areas in nutrition. This collection features essential information on phytonutrients, the cancer–diet connection, oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, sports nutrition, and hormonal imbalances. OCCUP-HEALTHandSAFETYnetBASE (386 titles) Featuring topics such as safeguarding an office, preventing accidents on the factory floor, and improving the health and well-being of employees, this online library provides practical advice and tools from renowned experts. The collection discusses everything from indoor air quality and regulatory compliance to designing workspaces. PHARMACEUTICALnetBASE (939 titles) This online library is continually updated with information from leading authorities in the pharmaceutical industry, biomedical research, manufacturing, and engineering, as well as with the latest government regulations and standards. PHYSICSnetBASE (1,898 titles) From astrophysics and quantum physics to materials science and optoelectronics, this unified e-library covers fundamental theories and contemporary investigations of time, matter, and space. It includes many volumes from the world-renowned Institute of Physics. POLYMERSnetBASE (407 titles) Polymers—they’re everywhere. Because of the extraordinary range of properties polymeric materials have, they play an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life, ranging from familiar synthetic plastics and elastomers to natural biopolymers such as nucleic acids and proteins that are essential for life. Understanding their chemistry can help us use them wisely. PublicADMINISTRATIONnetBASE (213 titles) Administrators at all levels can use this collection to search the entire catalog of CRC public policy handbooks and our expanding portfolio of strategic texts. This collection includes all 11 volumes of Principles and Practices of Public Administration. SCI-TECHnetBASE (23,137 titles) SCI-TECHnetBASE includes our entire line of science and technology eBooks. This extensive collection is designed to meet the needs of libraries with diverse patronage. Users can conduct sophisticated searches across science and technology CRCnetBASE collections or by subdiscipline. STATSnetBASE (1,198 titles) From frequentist and Bayesian approaches to biostatistics, finance, and beyond, this fully searchable collection covers the subject areas that today"s statisticians and researchers are studying and applying across a wide range of disciplines. This online library offers an unparalleled repository of world-class references perfect for any size analysis of all sorts of data. STMnetBASE (24,787 titles) Our newest, most complete repository of science, technology, and medical information, STMnetBASE includes all the elements of SCI-TECHnetBASE and MEDICINEnetBASE. It provides a robust and current resource for science, technology, and medical researchers, offering a plethora of cutting-edge information all in one convenient location. STMnetBASE covers the latest research, groundbreaking developments, key concepts, theories, and practical applications. The depth and breadth of resources in STMnetBASE make it ideal for global universities with science, technology, and medical programs. VETnetBASE (133 titles) A discipline almost as old as human medicine, modern veterinary medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, disorder, and injury in animals. From cardiovascular disease and dermatology to urological disorders and wildlife medicine, VETnetBASE provides information on the fundamental and emerging issues inthis field. The eBooks in this collection help veterinarians promote the health and welfare of companion animals, farm animals, horses, exotic animals, and wildlife. WATERnetBASE (854 titles)
This one-of-a-kind online eBook collection offers instant access to expert advice on groundwater, harbor, lake, and wastewater management. The e-references contained in this collection consider the characteristics and behavior of water from engineering, agricultural, biological, and environmental perspectives, and explore solutions from around the world. | |
II. User-defined collections Additionally, libraries may wish to create their own online collection from the complete selection of the Taylor & Francis ebooks (over 9,000 titles). The custom-made collection must contain at least 50 titles.
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